First Annual Rockin’ Resource Fair
Posted: July 3, 2017

On July 16th, join us for a day celebrating inclusion for ALL! This will be a FREE event for the community with 30+ full-inclusive resource vendors, music, food, entertainment, and much more! RSVP Here
WRTS Studio City- The Habit Fundraiser
Posted: September 29, 2015

WRTS Studio City- The Habit Fundraiser 4770 Lankershim Blvd North Hollywood (Monday October 5th- 4:00pm-9:00pm)
Posted: September 29, 2015

WRTS Studio City- Pizza Rev 12103 Ventura Blvd Studio City Friday October 6th 11:00am-10:00pm
Posted: June 24, 2015
WRTS Studio City Fundraiser - (Chipotle) 6/17 5:00pm-9:00pm (more…)
10 Things Every Child with Autism Wishes You Knew By Ellen Notbohrn
Posted: March 10, 2015

The child who lives with Autism may look “normal” but his or her behavior can be perplexing and downright difficult. Today, the citadel of autism, once thought of as an incurable disorder, is cracking around the foundation. Every day, individuals with autism show us they can overcome, compensate for, and otherwise manage many of the condition’s most challenging aspects. Equipping those around our children with a simple understand of autism’s…
Finally a Place Where You Never Have to Say I’m Sorry is Not Just a Slogan!
Posted: March 10, 2015

At We Rock The Spectrum Kid’s Gym, the slogan of “Finally a Place Where You Never Have to Say I’m Sorry” is not just a slogan, but words the staff lives by to create their culture and environment around. As the best kids fitness gym in the area their facility is full of awesome equipment for climbing, running, jumping, lifting, pulling and pushing to help develop the larger muscle groups…
Studio City ( : Mom’s Dream Of Opening Kids’ Gym Turning Into Nightmare.
Posted: March 10, 2015

Studio City ( Mom’s Dream Of Opening Kids’ Gym Turning Into Nightmare. A mother says her dream of opening a fun and specialized gym for all kids has turned into a nightmare. Dina Kimmel is involved in a bitter dispute with a neighboring business owner. Read More!
WRTS Corporate Office Ribbon Cutting!
Posted: March 10, 2015

On April 29th, 2014 we had “The Ribbon Cutting Ceremony” at our WRTS Corporate Office at 18859 Ventura Blvd in Tarzana . This was a huge moment for our company. We had a representative from the Mayor’s office, the Council members office, the Assembly office and the President of the Chamber attend with many other professionals and ambassadors of the chamber, as well as family and loved ones. Following the…
“Finally a Place Where You Never Have to Say I’m Sorry” TM
Posted: March 10, 2015

We Rock the Spectrum Kid’s Gym is committed to providing a safe, nurturing, and fun environment to foster learning, exploration and safe sensory experiences. Through our nonprofit My Brother Rocks The Spectrum Foundaion, we provide social skills groups and activities for children across the spectrum. We Rock the Spectrum Kid’s Gym provides children with a fun and motivational environment to help them in the areas of strength, movement, sensory processing,…
4397 Tujunga Ave
Studio City, CA 91604
Phone: 818-980-KIDS (5437)
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