All posts by wrts studiocity

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The Dream is Growing!

I cannot believe it but on December 26th WRTS has became a nationwide franchise Gail Field is our first out of state owner. She is in Boca Raton Florida, which I found so ironic as we have family there that lives 5 minutes away. She is lovely, devoted, dedicated and will make a great owner. I look forward to having New York soon on our list! We now have 10 locations, I just cannot believe it as my dream was to hit 10 this year and we did it. Don’t stop believing…. hold on to your dreams

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Swimming is a great form of therapy for children on the spectrum.

Daniella is a longtime child educator in the west San Fernando Valley. She taught kindergarten and elementary school classes in Tarzana and Woodland Hills for over ten years in the Los Angeles Unified School District. She has over 20 years of teaching experience as a swim instructor for young children and toddlers.

Daniella has a gift for teaching ALL children how to swim. “Swimming is a great form of therapy for children on the spectrum. Their bodies become very relaxed in the water. It’s truly wonderful to watch them feeling so accomplished after they master the basic skills.”

Daniella teaches swimming year around and can be reached for private and group lessons at 818-438-1510. You can also come by the gym for more information. Daniella is also the instructor for our We Rock the Spectrum camps!